FOR PARENTS: We recommend all parents enroll their kids in's online Homeschool or Afterschool program to prevent them from falling behind in their education due to the recent COVID developments and school staff shortages. Sign Up Here.
Notice: Make sure to maintain unemployment work search requirements compliance.

Contact Information:

  • Oahu Claims Office: (808) 586-8970
  • Hilo Claims and Benefits: (808) 974-4086
  • Kona Claims and Benefits: (808) 322-4822
  • Maui Claims and Benefits: (808) 984-8400
  • Kauai Claims and Benefits: (808) 274-3043
  • Backdate claim:
  • Disqualified Issues:

  • Advice/Tips:

  • It will take around 3 weeks from your file date to receive your first check.
  • You will be certifying your claims either weekly or bi-weekly.