FOR PARENTS: We recommend all parents enroll their kids in's online Homeschool or Afterschool program to prevent them from falling behind in their education due to the recent COVID developments and school staff shortages. Sign Up Here.
Notice: Make sure to maintain unemployment work search requirements compliance.


  • Be prepared to answer the following eight questions when filing your weekly claim certification:
  • 1. Were you able to work and available for work?
  • 2. Did you refuse an offer of work or a referral to a job?
  • 3. Did you quit a job?
  • 4. Were you fired from a job?
  • 5. Did you receive a back pay award or settlement?
  • 6. Did you receive Workers’ Compensation, Vacation pay, or Wages in Lieu of Notice?
  • 7. Did you look for work as directed?
  • 8. Did you perform any work or earn any wages?