FOR PARENTS: We recommend all parents enroll their kids in's online Homeschool or Afterschool program to prevent them from falling behind in their education due to the recent COVID developments and school staff shortages. Sign Up Here.
Notice: Make sure to maintain unemployment work search requirements compliance.

Contact Information:

  • Phone (Claims): (208) 332-8942 M-F 8 a.m.-3 p.m. mountain time, except observed holidays.
  • Phone (Appeals): (208) 332-3572 Toll Free: (800) 621-4938

  • Advice/Tips:

  • You can set up direct deposit, or opt to get paid via bank card.
  • Bank card usually arrives within 7-10 days after first payment is issued.
  • If you have direct deposit set up, keep checking your bank account to see if money was deposited, because sometimes it won't show on your claim portal.